Li Daiguo is a prominent figure in China’s experimental, world, and new music communities. Born in 1981 in Oklahoma, USA, to Chinese/Taiwanese parents, Li Daiguo received training in music from childhood on a variety of instruments in various styles, including western classical music and bluegrass (violin, upright bass, piano), Chinese classical music (erhu, pipa), Finnish folk music, Carnatic music, Shona Mbira, and contemporary classical composition and improvisation. After relocating to mainland China in 2004, Li began to develop his compositional style and blend of extended techniques for a variety of instruments, particularly pipa, guzheng, bawu, cello, upright bass, violin, and prepared piano.
音乐人李带菓1981年出身于美国俄克拉荷马州的华裔/台湾裔家庭。他的演出,先锋派传统和古典音乐传统,像是一场通过文化混血身份进行的前卫音乐艺术移植实验。 近年来,他在全球范围内参加了如卡内基音乐厅 (纽约),Cite De La Musique(巴黎)、Oct-Loft爵士音乐节(深圳)。他的表演和发行曲目被报道在The Wire, Pitchfork, Tiny Mix Tapes和其他各种国际性媒体平台上。