Luka Yuanyuan Yang is a visual artist and filmmaker who weaves documentary and archival materials into diverse mediums like film, photography, artist books, installations, and performances. Her work has been featured in The New Yorker, as well as the New Orleans Film Festival, Atlanta Film Festival, Camden International Film Festival, Asian American International Film Festival, and Women Make Waves. Her first feature film “Chinatown Cha-Cha” has received support from The Gotham, Doc Edge, Pingyao International Film Festival, Beijing International Film Festival, CNEX, Shanyi International Women’s Film Festival, and Aranya Waves Film Festival. She is currently working on her second feature film “Echoes”, presented by Asymmetry Art Foundation. Luka’s artwork was collected by KADIST Foundation and Power Station of Art. She has received support from Asian Cultural Council and Art in General. She has also earned numerous international accolades, including BVLGARI Avrora Award.
杨圆圆是一名视觉艺术家与电影导演,她的作品常常由纪实素材与档案交织而成,她用影像、摄影、书籍、装置、表演等方式去探讨身份、移民和记忆相关的话题。她的作品出现在《纽约客》杂志,新奥尔良电影节,亚特兰大电影节、卡姆登国际电影节、亚美国际电影节、台湾国际女性影展等。她的首部长片《女人世界》收到The Gotham, Doc Edge,平遥国际电影展、北京国际电影节,CNEX华人纪录片提案大会、山一国际女性影展、海浪电影周等机构或影展的支持。她的第二部长片《回响》由Asymmetry Art Foundation出品,目前正在后期制作中。杨圆圆的艺术作品被KADIST基金会和上海当代艺术博物馆收藏,她的工作获得亚洲文化协会和Art in General的支持。她曾获宝格丽闪耀之辉奖。