Legendary Chinatown entertainer,China’s Most Daring Dancing Doll, 2020 Living Legend Award Winner by the Burlesque Hall of Fame.
Legendary Chinatown entertainer,China’s Most Daring Dancing Doll, 2020 Living Legend Award Winner by the Burlesque Hall of Fame.
As a dancer and the last owner of the iconic Forbidden City Nightclub, Coby witnessed the Golden Age of San Francisco Chinatown’s nightclub scene. Coby belongs to the first generation born in the US in her family. Despite her interest in performing arts from an early age, it was not her choice to become a burlesque dancer.
When Coby retired 20 years ago, she was finally able to follow her heart on the dancing floor instead of performing solely to please the audience.Soon after, she met her partner Stephen King, who was nearly 20 years her junior and came from a completely different background. The shared passion for dancing brought them together.
Coby toured with Grant Avenue Follies in this film. Sadly Coby passed away in August 2020 at the age of 93 (1926-2020). She was still dancing one week before her passing.
作为舞者和标志性的禁城夜总会(Forbidden City Nightclub)的最后一位老板,余金巧(Coby Yee)见证了旧金山唐人街夜总会场景的黄金时代。Coby是她家族中在美国出生的第一代。尽管她从小就对表演艺术感兴趣,但成为一名风情舞演员并非她的选择。
当Coby在20年前退休时,她终于能够在舞池里随心所欲地跳舞,而不是仅仅为了取悦观众而表演。不久之后,她遇到了她的伴侣Stephen King,他比她小将近20岁,来自完全不同的背景。共同的舞蹈热情将他们联系在一起。
Coby在这部电影中与都板街舞团(Grant Avenue Follies)一起巡演。遗憾的是,Coby于2020年8月去世,享年93岁 (1926-2020)。在她去世前一周,她仍在跳舞。