Founder of Grant Avenue Follies

Cynthia Yee

Founder of Grant Avenue Follies, Dancer for over 50+ years

A San Francisco native, Cynthia fell in love with stage performance from childhood. Harboring a star dream for years, she finally founded the dance troupe after retiring in 2003. She is a jack-of-all-trade: a nightclub dancer just as Coby, a jewelry shop owner, a magician, the winner of 1967’s Chinatown beauty pageant and a guide of the Chinatown Ghost Walking Tour. Cynthia’s optimistic, energetic and cheerful vibes made her a cohesive force for the team. Savvy to the history and urban legends of the Chinatown, her stories extend the film’s narrative space beyond immediate reality.

方美仙(Cynthia Yee)是土生土长的旧金山人,从小就爱上了舞台表演。怀揣明星梦多年后,她终于在2003年退休后创立了舞蹈团。她是个多才多艺的人:既是像Coby一样的夜总会舞者,也是珠宝店老板、魔术师、1967年唐人街选美比赛的冠军,以及唐人街鬼魂徒步之旅的导游。Cynthia乐观、充满活力和愉快的氛围使她成为团队的凝聚力。她精通唐人街的历史和都市传说,她的故事将电影的叙事空间延伸到了直接现实之外。